Our weekly nets..

19:30 UK

Wales Ragchew Net.

Wales Ragchew Net is a weekly net hosted by Chris MW7CCS via DMR Brandmeister 2356 and Echolink MB6IPG-L (585339). This is a popular Saturday evening net with participants not just in Wales but from across the globe. Chris runs a friendly net with an emphasis on getting around the group giving plenty of opportunity to have multiple overs and check ins with very diverse topics, usually brought up by net participants.

Mon & Wed
16:30 UK


WDRG C4FM Net hosted by Sooty M7EMH every Monday and Wednesday at 16:30. Sooty hosts this relaxed popular afternoon net. Accessing the net couldn't be easier. Via XLX042-D any mode DMR-C4FM-D-Star. Also access via Brandmeister TG2356 and WiresX room 87517.