Upcoming events.

WDRG at the NARSA Radio Rally.

23/4/23 - WDRG members will be at the NARSA Blackpool Rally. We will be having a stand at the rally with live WiresX and DMR demonstration that all will be welcome to come and use. Come and meet some of the members of WDRG and of course always available to offer help and advice.

SOS Radio Week expedition.

18-19-20-21 May 2023 - SOS Radio Week special event - Shell Island LLanbedr North Wales. Members of the WDRG will be heading outdoors for our big four day operating for SOS Radio week. (more info)

Please click on the button below to view our calendar of events.

Liverpool Makefest - Amateur Radio Demo

1st July 2023 - WDRG members attending Liverpool Makefest demonstrating digital voice radio and remote HF FT8.